This episode I’m excited to be joined by Christopher Tyng, composer for TV shows such as Futurama, Suits, Rescue Me as well as movies and video games. We talk about instruments (what’s a boobam?!) used in the music of Futurama and how the musical tone was established and we discuss the “death” of record labels and the seeming lack of gatekeeping. We’ll open with the Futurama theme, throw in a Cowmen track and close with a couple songs from Suits.

Welcome to the World of Tomorrow, everyone!
Turn it Around: The Story of East Bay Punk to purchase
Station on Jasper
Last Podcast on the Left


Futurama Theme – Christopher Tyng

Drinkin’ – The Cowmen
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Off to Jail (Suits) – Christopher Tyng

Zane vs Zane (Suits) – Christopher Tyng

New Window: Start the Music! Episode 32 

*As always support the music you love by buying their songs, merchandise, and show tickets.

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